Thursday, August 21, 2008

Friday Flashback

Ella at Lake Macbride. I think this was right before she turned one. Having a rip roaring good time!

Ella 20 months, Jen 5 months pregnant with a great hair day!

Here is Miss Ella, 4, this summer. Is that a grin or a smirk?

The infamous picture of Lars and Greta. Lars is exactly one month younger. I suspect Lars is about 3 months and Greta is 4. I think this is one of my all time favorite pictures. Tell all mommies everywhere to calm down about comparing babies. Look below to see why.

Here they are this summer, age 2. About the same size. They seem to love each other pretty well. We certainly love them a lot!
Nora-This was the only pic of them I could find- help me to take more!

I love the idea of Flashback Friday! This certainly gives me an opportunity to retro blog or scan in some pictures of awkwardness or something embarrassing. I think andrea g recommended a wedding flashback next week. I think that is a great idea. I will see what I can do to add to everyones viewing pleasure. I wish I had big hair and super poofy sleeves but I was in high school in the 80's not getting married. How about a great 80's pic sometime? Or Jen as hippie. You will just have to wait. I sincerely hope I can't find any pics of me from Phish or Dead concerts. Those may be too fun to post- literally!

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