Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Retro Santa

I am age 4 here, same as Ella is now. I showed this to her and explained it was mommy as little girl. Ella then proceded to tell me that there was someone under there. She then was convinced it was not really Santa although she could not exactly tell me why.
Of note- this is a terrible beard, but it looks like I did not care at all. I do not rememebr seeing Santa every year, so this was likely a very special event. I also can tell you my daughter definitely has my feet. Don't my feet look huge for a 4 year old? Ella currently wears a size 12/13 at age 4 1/2. Lars is wearing a size 9 at 2 1/2. I also love my hair- looks like I attempted to cut my bangs. And just for Nora- another short hemline. I think it was the style in the 70's. Ella is so retro these days. And what is there to say about the white tree? Love it!

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